GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 28 - April 2014
I t takes someprettybigonions to say you're a champion of states’ rights and then introduceabill in theUnited StatesSenatethattramplesalloverthem. But that's exactly what Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has done, introduc- ing the Restoration ofAmerica'sWire Act, which would make online gam- bling illegal in all 50U.S. states. Thereasoningbehind the legislation is that the Obama administration "fun- damentally changed theWireAct" by declaring that online gambling could be licensed and regulated by states in late2011.Nearlyevery legalmindhas said for years that the Wire Act did not pertain to online gambling. The Obama administration's new inter- pretationwas the correct one. But let's dig a little deeper into the details. Graham is one of the GOP's highest profile senators. He's also beenwilling to compromiseabitwith theDemocrats in someareas, drawing criticism from the more conservative members of hisparty. In the last two elections, moderate Republicans all over the countryhave faced primary challenges from Tea Party candidates, and a number of them have been ousted from office as a result. Graham is facing no fewer than six primary opponents right now, and this legislationwill bepopular among social conservatives, who might be thinking about going in another di- rection. It also serves himwell when it comes to theRepublicanParty'sbig- gest SugarDaddy, SheldonAdelson. TheLasVegasSandschairman,whohas voicedvehement opposition to Internet gambling, hasnow funneledmore than $15,000 to Graham's campaign organi- zationsandhosteda$1,000/ticket fund- raiser forGraham'scampaign. Meanwhile, Nevada, Delaware and New Jersey have Internet gambling operations up and running. They are regulating the industry justfine, thank you very much. If South Carolina doesn't want online gambling, let the voters and their elected officials de- cide. But who are you, sir, to say that residents of those three states, or any other state that wants to license and regulate our industry, should not be allowed todo so? Oh yeah. You're a politician trying to get reelected. And you need Big Papa'smoney tomake theseTeaParty challengers go away. It would be one thing if this were an issue that Graham had been talking about for the last 10 years. But he has virtually no record on the topic. He hasn't been a leader in legislation or debate about Internet gambling until now, just weeks after he gets an infu- sionof cash fromAdelson. Congratulations on your basketball- sized onions, Senator. Good to see that it's business as usual in the good ol' U-S-of-A. W allof S hame APCWWall of Shame
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