GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 50 - August 2021

GPWA AFFILIATE INTERVIEW SERIES It’s been 10 years since we last inter- viewed you for the GPWA Times Mag- azine and at that time you had been an iGaming affiliate for five years. If our math is correct, you’ve nowbeen in this game for a total of 15 years. Please tell us howyou havemanaged to adapt and survive all of these years. First of all, I post articles every day. Imake a lot of modifications and I think that if you don’t work every day, it’s not possible to survive. Like everyone else, I had to adapt to mobile and change a lot of things withGoogle and its endless changes. I have always worked alone. Fortunately, I have players since 2006 who are loyal. Since the virus, it has been difficult. Before we lived, now we survive. And then with the new laws in several specific countries, it’s a bit complicated, it changes so often. How did you find your way into the iG- aming affiliate business? I was a player at the beginning. I went on forums, then I quickly became a moderator of two big websites, one of them Poker Room, which was Poker770 at the time. I found that to be great. After that, I started to make my first site and the rest followed. Josy - celena The Hustler There is no secret to Josy’s long career as an iGaming affiliate . She’s simply rolled up her sleeves and worked hard and smart for the last 15 years — even on weekends and holidays . G P W A t i m e s . o r g 50