GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 50 - August 2021
Affiliate Manager Interview Series Daniil Rebrunov Konung Partners Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from and where did you grow up? I was born in St. Petersburg (in Russia), but our family moved to Germany when I was a kid. I grew up in Dresden, the capital of Saxony and I’m still living here. I’m studying economics at our local University and work part time for Konung Partners/Konung Casino. How did you end up working with Konung Partners? Have you always wanted to work in the gaming business? Konung Partners is, for me, like a family project. Mymum’s husband worked in the land-based gaming industry for decades and his dream was to work on an online project. Once he had a chance to fulfill this idea, he linked up with our White Label SoftSwiss and took over this project with a couple of other colleagues. Only issues were that they had some communication problems with SoftSwiss, as they don’t speak Russian, and the English skills were a bit less advanced then today (Laughs). And this is where I was introduced to the iGaming world. First, I would just translate between SoftSwiss and the owners, because Russian and German are my native languages. Besides the communication between our White Label and the owners, I did other translation work on the website, like Terms & Conditions, Bonus Terms and other policies. So, I read tons of online gaming content and while doing the job as interpreter/translator, I slowly started understanding what this whole thing is about and got interested. At a certain point, I switched from doing just translations to other jobs, like preparing mailers, promotions and finally ended up in the position as affiliate manager. I never started at a concrete position; it was more of an organic process. It seems the two subjects of this issue’s affiliate manager interviews were destined for their current positions. Daniil from Konung Partners transitioned into the iGaming industry via a family connection. João from BetWinner has been a self- described “sports nut” his entire life and is a perfect fit for his role. As you’ll read in the following pages, they both have a strong passion for their work and a burning desire to help their affiliate partners. With the industry events returning to a live format, Daniil and João are both looking forward to meeting more prospective partners face-to-face, so if you’re heading to a coming event, be sure to seek them out. And tell them you read all about them in the GPWA Times Magazine ! Meet the Affiliate Managers g p w a t i m e s . o r g 60
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