GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 10 - Sept 2009

36 GPWA Times :: o furthermy ongoing Bodog education, I was provided with the opportunity to join the li- censing group and Bodog Europe executive team in Antigua to learn more about the Bodog brand’s global expansion and affiliate system plans. After hours of discussion, it be- came apparent that the bottom line and ultimate goals are really pretty simple: brand recognition and service across the globe, presence throughout all channels, and providing a spectacular experience for every single customer including play- ers, affiliates and industry professionals. Sohoware they going todo it?KeithMc- Donnell can certainly tell you. Duringmy trip toAntigua, I foundmyself gravitatingtowardKeith,afriendly,sharp, nice-lookingguywithagreat accent. And no, that’s not the rum punch talking. I’m serious! With seven years of online gamblingexperienceprior tohis licensing the Bodog brand from andtakingtheleadatBodogEurope,Keith came into his position equipped with a vast understanding of the U.K. market, a focus on affiliates, andhow to facilitate long-term revenue increases foraffiliates. It’s not a surprise that a personality like thisheadsup theBodogEuropebusiness, recentlysecured therights toCanada,and willsoonbe is also not a surprise that anAmerican like me mistook his Irish accent for English. “Shame on you, Becky! I am Irish!” he sarcastically scolded as we sailed back from our SubCat Antigua submarine dive along the coral reefs of Antigua and Barbuda. Hey, at least I was close... geographically speaking, of course. Wherewere youborn?What did you study inschool?Howdidyoubecome involved in the online gambling world? I was born in Dublin, Ireland and got a degree in business & legal studies from University College, Dublin. Having spent four years in the financial services sector, I decided to seek out a career within an industry that held a lot of natural interest forme and sports and gamblingwas anatural choice. What was it about the Bodog brand that attracted you to this opportunity? Tell ushow itall happened. I had long beenanadmirerof theBodogbrand, their marketingandtheirexceptionalcustomer service.Having spent four successful and enjoyable years at the U.K. Tote, I felt it was time to start considering future challenges. As soon as I became aware that Bodog was looking for a European licensee to take their brand into theU.K. andbeyond, the rest ishistory. It is our understanding that the Bodogbrand iscurrentlyworkingon a global expansion. Where are you in this process?Who are your main competitors in this marketplace? Bodog Europe is one of a number of Bodog brand licensees around the globe – the Morris Mohawk Gaming Group has the exclusive rights to the brand in the U.S., and Haydock Entertainment is the brand licensee in Asia. That’s just the iGaming licensees. Bodog Europe’s brand license agreement is limited, territorially, to Europe and Canada. Our goal is to make the Bodog brand a T Interviewwith KeithMcDonnell , Managing Director, Bodog Europe Bodog shooting for the stars