GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 28 - April 2014

GPWAAFFILIATE INTERVIEWSERIES Whenyouneed todecompress, just head for thebarn Whendidyou launchyour site? 2010. How did you become involved in the industry? My brother was the one who gotme into the industry.He gaveme one of his websites when I started working for him full time. I put in 40 to 50 hours per week, which includes managing the affiliate side of his business, social media andon- andoff-pageSEO, toname a few. How long did it take for your site to start earning money? It took about a year for any realmoney to start coming in forme. Luckily it did, and I still have a full-time income frommybrother. What do your parents think of the two of you, bothworking in the online gambling industry? Mymom is thrilledwework in theonlinegambling industryas itpays for her living expenses. Shealso lovesbingo!! Best Bet Boulevard is a bingo-centric site.Whydidyouchoose togowithbingo exclusively? It’s a little less competitive than casino, therefore easier tobreak into. What aspects of a bingo room are most important from the player’s perspective? What are most important from your perspective as an affiliate? I think the playerswant tobevalued, heardandplay at a trustworthyand friendly site.Making friendswhileplayingbingobringsasense of community for them. As an affiliate, it is all about honesty and communication. If the bingo room is honest and has a good relationship withus, thenwe know theywill have the same relationship with the players we send them. JEN jenniferlynn Age: 41 Hometown: Vancouver, B.C. Living in: Ladner, B.C. FavoriteFood: Chocolatecake MustReadBook: Breaking theHabit of BeingYourself, byDr. JoeDispenza Site: it’s one of the hidden gems in California and you’ll never meet more laid back people anywhere else. What’s your all-time favoritemovie? I’m ahugemoviebuff so this isapretty tough question! If I had to choose, it would be pretty close between Scarface and The Godfather, Part II . Tome they are absolute classic tales of the “American Dream,” and even though the protagonists in each film lost a lot during their rise to power, I can respect the hustle and the drive of Tony Montana and the Corleone family. Is thatunusually twistedgiven the subject matter of thosemovies and comparing it towhatwedoas affiliates? If you could invite any five people, living or dead, to dinner, who would they be? I could talk about sports 24/7 so it would probably be heroes of mine like Michael Jordan, Nolan Ryan and Tiger Woods. These guys aren’t just gifted athletes but they’ve also proven to be just as skilled in building their brands (like Jordan and Tiger) and running the front offices of major sports teams (like Ryan), so it wouldbe very cool to sit at the tablewith them to talk shop, business and of course sports. It probably would be fun as hell to talk business and life with people like Steve Jobs or evenMarkCuban, too! What are three things that nobody knows about you? I absolutely hate the texture and smell of cough syrup and milk. I will literally almost throw up just thinking about those two things, so you could probably imagine what happens when I actually come into close contact with either. Regardless, I try to keep mydistance! I also have an avid fear of heights. Even though I’ve hiked some of the biggest mountains in the Southwest and fly almost monthly I rarely ever look down for too long as I get super nervous and anxious when it comes to high places. It’s not something I’ve shared with a lot of people, so why not spill it here on theGPWA?! One last thing nobody knows was that I was secretlymarriedbackwhen Iwas 23. I was young and stupid and we ended up getting hitched in a Vegas drive-thru – theLittleWhiteWeddingChapel – after about sixweeksofdating.Needless to say themarriage didn’t last all that long and was probably one of the biggestmistakes I ever made in my life. Never mix busi- nesswithpleasure, folks (sheused tobe a writer formywebsites!). GPWAAffiliate InterviewSeries