GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 32 - June 2015

other affiliates. It has helped greatly with meeting other affiliates. While I might not have many posts in the forums, I have had thousands of private messages with other affiliates. Between buying and selling domains, buying and selling web- sites, and selling direct advertising on the GPWA, this has easily led to six fig- ures’ worth of business I might not have otherwise conducted. A few years back you had some interest- ing things to say about content swap- ping. Do you still believe that trading ar- ticles is generally a good idea? This must have been a long time ago, as I don’t recall this. It can be a good idea if you know and trust the person you are trading with. If they are trading you spun crap to put on your site, it might do more harm than good. If you are just starting out it, can be a great way to keep costs down. What do you like about the industry? I really enjoy interacting with all kinds of people from around the world from all walks of life. If you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be? I would get rid of the UIGEA. Before that came out the whole industry ran so much more smoothly. The U.S. government is so frus- trating when it comes to online gambling. Forty-eight out of 50 states have casinos or a lottery, which are legal. Some online AGE 38 HOMETOWN Farmington Hills, Michigan LIVING IN Zeeland, Michigan FAVORITE FOOD Crab legs or lobster tails MUST-READ BOOK Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions , by Dan Ariely SITES plus about 300 others 59 GPWA Affiliate Interview Series