GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 39 - November 2017

Atanas dishes on the Bulgarian iGaming market and why he doesn’t worry about the volatility of sports betting GPWA AFFILIATE INTERVIEW SERIES Atanas Tanev - Synthetic How did you first get into the iGaming business? What did you do before be- coming an affiliate? I was doing SEO for a client’s website that is in this business, and that’s how I got acquainted with it and its specifics. Later, I decided to create my own project in this niche. Before that, I waswork- ing two jobs. I was a freelancer, doing web design, SEOand other stuff, andmy full-time jobwas in a companywhere I was processing the orders. The last one was entirely offline andhadnothing todowith onlinemarketing. Tell us about your sites. When did you launch your first site? How long did it take for it to start making money? I launched my first website on 13 August 2014, and I started earning money from it three or four months later. The rest of the sites were developed after that, and my team and I are taking care of their support. Are you a full-time or part-time affiliate? I am full-time affiliate! Do you have employees, or do you run your site by yourself? My number of employees is officially four, but I am also working with three or four freelancers. I work with a leading SEO agency in Bul- garia, and together we are developing the presence of our brands in Google. Three of your sites are in Bulgarian, and one is in English, Bulgarian and Russian. Howdoes the Bulgarian-language sports bettingmarket differ from the English-lan- guage market? The Bulgarian market is characterized by less traffic, but players de- posit on a regular basis and they love gam- bling games, especially sports betting ones.A Bulgarian-language site can be rankedmuch more easily than an English-language one, and, needless to say, the English market is denser and more competitive. Do you have plans for additional sites? I have plans to start other projects, but I’m not going to rush it because I believe in quality over quantity. So far, it is a priority for me to fill up my websites with more reviews for casino, poker, bingo and other verticals. The rest depends on the resourc- es that we have. Do you have plans to translate your sites into other languages? I have plans to translate the sites into more languages so that we can attract traffic from other countries. We are currently translating and The ad- vantages are that we can get many registra- tions frommore unrecognized bookmakers, and thus the overall brand of the site will W W W . G P W A T I M E S . O R G 48