GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 40- February 2018

7 Bold Predictions for the U.K. With an atmosphere of uncertainty and doubt hovering over the U.K. iGaming industry, Chris Strutt provides his prognosis for 2018 BY CHRIS STRUTT 7 Bold Predictions for the U.K. R ecently we’ve seen a huge amount of turbulence in the U.K. bingo, casino and sports betting affiliate mar- kets, with great uncertainty and a lot more negativity expected throughout 2018. Just like a lot of you reading this article, I run a small family business that relies heavily on U.K. net gain revenue. Many other business partners, friends and their families are also dependent on U.K. NGR. Since it makes sense for operators and affiliates to share our ideas in these times of uncertainty so we can best protect ourselves and our families’ incomes against future moves from U.K. regulatory authorities, I would like to take this opportunity to share my “Struttbet” predictions for 2018 in the U.K. iGaming affiliate market. 33 W W W . G P W A T I M E S . O R G