GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 6 - September 2008
Casino Chronicles: Using “Places I’ve Played” for Fun and Profit 20 GPWA Times | Note: GPWA Executive Director Michael Corfman discussed development of the“Place’s I’ve Played”application and how to leverage it to gain traffic and revenue at the GPWA Conference at the EIG Affiliate Zone in Barcelona.A copy of the presenta- tion is available at Casino Chronicles: Using “Places I’ve Played” for fun and profit By Michael Corfman T his summer the GPWA, together with Casino City, launched “Places I’ve Played,” the first Facebook application created for online gambling affiliates. This revolutionary program is designed to serve two purposes: 1. Provide a way for people who like to gamble, either online or in brick-and- mortar casinos, to share their gambling experiences on Facebook today and share them with their friends on other social networks tomorrow. 2. Create a way for webmasters to use their players as spokespeople who in- crease both their gambling affiliate rev- enue and the traffic to their portal sites. Howdoes it work for players? For players, “Places I’ve Played” is a lot of fun and very easy to use. They can chronicle and share all sorts of informa- tion about their gambling experiences with their friends. Players simply enter the name of an online gambling site or land-based casino where they’ve played, and enter details about their experience by selectively checking pertinent boxes, including: played for money, played for fun, won, won big, lost, paid promptly, favorite and recommend/ don’t recommend. The can also post com- ments, giving their friends their up close and personal review of the place in ques- tion. See screen 1. Players – the friends of your players! – can also click on the “My Friends Places” link to check out the online gaming sites where your players play. They’ll see a screen with separate listings for land-based properties and online gaming sites, along with color- ful icons their friends have checked to tell the world how they made out and how they rate each venue. See screen 2. Those who like geography can zoom across the globe, selecting casinos they’ve visited from an interactive map. When players click on the details link for any property, they’re sent to a page with detailed property data (including links to online gaming sites), a screen grab of the site, and info on what their friends have done at that site. See screen 3. Players can also invite more friends to use the application and fill out a profile of their gambling interests. Note: GPWA Executive Director Michael Corf- man discussed the development of the “Place’s I’ve Played” application and how to leverage it to gain traf- fic and rev ue at the GPWA Conference the EIG Af- filiate Zone in Barcelon . A copy of the presentation is available at
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