8 July 2009 GPWA Times Newsletter

GPWA TIMES July 8, 2009
New Affiliate Programs
The GPWA is excited to announce Casino Affiliate Share as a new sponsor. They are pleased to be helping our industry grow as new members of the GPWA!

Industry News
Rebecca's adventures at the 2009 WSOP in Las Vegas
The GPWA's Rebecca Liggero made her annual trip to Las Vegas for the World Series of Poker where she managed to hit a few of the VIP parties and realized that the poker-something lifestyle is something she could get used to very easily.

PKR, UltimateBet parties rival Vegas heat for sizzle
Not even nighttime temperatures of more than 100 degrees F could keep people away from the VIP poker parties thrown by PKR.com and UltimateBet last week in Las Vegas.

Perspectives Weekly talks software, Barney Frank
J. Todd explains why Internet filtering software targeting online gambling sites isn't such a bad thing. Plus, why Barney Frank's bill is about to be delayed up to two months.

Barney Frank 'optimistic' repeal of UIGEA will pass
Frank says he will move forward on legislation to repeal the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act this fall.

Income Access launches online community page
Income Access has launched a community page where visitors can keep up-to-date with Income Access news and the iGaming industry as a whole.

CasinoClub adds two new slot games
The online casino has added Lucky's Diner and Maya Gold to its growing lineup of slot machines.

32Red joins RM Royal Media's rummy network
32Red has joined Royal Media's rummy network. Players can now enjoy games at 32RedRummy.com.

CentreBet has $2,500 up for grabs
The online casino has $2,500 in cash prizes during the month of July and has also rolled out three new games.

Kerching launches affiliate business with McBoom
Kerching Affiliates has retained McBoom to manage affiliate activity and deliver quality traffic.

NeoGames now accepts Scandinavian currencies
The Swedish Krona, Norwegian Krone and Danish Kroner have been added to the list of acceptable currencies on all products owned or created by NeoGames.

32Red to accept PayPal
Popular online casino 32Red will add PayPal to the numerous secure banking options currently available to players.

PlayCherry.com signs deal with Income Access
PlayCherry.com has agreed to a deal to use Income Access software to power its affiliate network.

Upcoming Conference

CBG Affiliate Weekend (Niagara Falls)July 24-26, 2009
CBG Affiliate Weekend (Niagara Falls)
The CBGW event offers the chance to meet active North American affiliates. Come and discuss affiliate strategies with some of the best webmasters in the industry in a fun and relaxing environment. The guest speaker will be Gary Beal.

Affiliate Summit East (New York)August 9-11, 2009
Affiliate Summit East (New York)
This three-day conference includes an exhibit hall with affiliate merchants, vendors and networks, as well as multiple tracks of educational sessions covering the latest trends and information from affiliate marketing experts.
Did You Know?
Facebook and MySpace have an audience retention rate of nearly 70% each month while Twitter retains less than 40% of its new users each month, according to Nielsen Online.

Affiliate Program Sponsors

Places I've Played
Places I've PlayedThe "Places I've Played" Facebook application lets players you refer share with their friends the online and land-based places where they've gambled. And when their friends visit the online gambling sites they mention, you earn affiliate revenue.
More Details

Join Our Groups
FacebookPlease join the GPWA Facebook group. It's a great place to network with affiliates and affiliate managers and keep up with all the latest news and updates from the GPWA.
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LinkedInThe GPWA group in LinkedIn is a big help in networking with other GPWA members. It also identifies you as a GPWA member to other LinkedIn members.
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TwitterWe invite you to follow us at twitter.com/gpwa where we will be posting interesting tweets on major news of interest to affiliates.
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Do you have information about the WSOP on your Web site?
The 2009 World Series of Poker started at the end of May with the first of 57 events. The Main Event began on Friday with nearly 6,500 participants. The field will be narrowed down to nine by next Wednesday, July 15 and then the final table will be played back in Las Vegas in November. We are curious to find out how many webmasters have material related to the WSOP on their Web sites. And if you do, share with us what you do with that information on your site. View poll
Last week's poll results: How does the second quarter of 2009 compare with the first quarter of 2009? View poll
Buzzy's World
The BuzzBuzzy has been hard at work this week chasing down the latest industry rumors and gossip. Here's a quick look at Buzzy's top finds:
New MessageBarney Frank makes appearance at WSOP
New MessageNate Silver talks UIGEA, poker
New MessageMarathonbet leaves Russian, Ukrainian markets
New MessageAppeals Court hears iMEGA case
From The Forums
New MessageAffiliate question, one word answer only
Betpartners writes:
I know this will be real hard, but I am looking for one word or one phrase. No explanations, no reasoning. Just one single word/phrase. The question is: What is the first thing you look for in an affiliate program? Not the most important, but the very first thing? Remember just one word or one phrase answers.  read more
New MessageCMS software
New MessageForex growth
PRIVATE FORUM TOPICS (Not a Private Member, Upgrade Now!)
New MessageEthics question
New MessageOutsourcing dilemmas
Featured Affiliate Program
Affiliates United Network
Affiliates United Network
Affiliates United Network wants to be the focal point for all your affiliate needs by giving you the competitive edge and help to generate substantial revenue. Unite with Affiliates United today and start earning commission rates of 70% in the first month.
Visit Affiliates United Network GPWA Details Page for more information.
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